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Your brand name is the foundation for all your other marketing efforts. It’s part of your customers’ very first experience of your brand–and likely, every experience thereafter. It’s the verbal trigger that conjures up your brand in your customers’ minds. When customers see or hear your brand name for the first time, the associations and reactions they have will start to define your brand in their minds, for better or worse. A good brand name can go a long way toward: engaging your customers emotionally identifying what sort of product or service you’re offering differentiating you from competitors positioning your brand as the solution for a customer need or desire piquing their curiosity and interest helping your customers remember your brand Good brand names will do at least three of these things—even before you’ve spent a penny on marketing! On the other hand, a bad name will provoke little, if any, positive interest among your audience. It may even mislead them about the nature of your offering and how great it is. You’ll have lost a golden opportunity. Now don’t get us wrong. A great brand name can’t salvage a misconceived or ill executed product or idea. Or convey every relevant marketing message. That’s why you have a logo, and packaging design, and copy, and a website, and all your other marketing communications. But if you want to build a great brand, a good name one that captures the essence of your brand in a memorable way is the foundation. We’re glad you asked. People can be very promiscuous with the word brand. Even some marketing types. They bandy the word about when what they’re really referring to is the brand name. And vice versa. It drives us crazy. So what’s the difference between the two? A “brand” encompasses all of the experiences and expectations that have come to be associated with a company or product line in the customer’s mind. A brand name is just that. One way to look at it is that the brand name is a trigger. Say the word, and you call up all of those associations in the public mind that collectively define the brand and what it stands for. Say the word Apple, for instance, and chances are you think of the iPod and the iMac and the iPad. Of stores that broke all sorts of high-tech retail conventions with their light-filled designer showrooms and hands-on displays. Of cool geniuses at their cool genius bars. Of videotaping your kid’s birthday party or getting the latest ETA on your flight on your iPhone. Of Steve Jobs and MacWorld extravaganzas. Right? That’s the Apple brand for you. On the other hand, the brand name is simply Apple.